Natural Rainbow Fluorite Crystal Slice
Natural Rainbow Fluorite Crystal Slice
One piece of Natural Rainbow Fluorite Crystal Slice. Buy more than one rainbow fluorite crystal slice to give as gifts to family and friends. Use to make your own rainbow fluorite jewelry, or to put in your alter, on your desk or in your pocket. Place rainbow fluorite on your nightstand to bring about soothing vibes to help with sleep.
Rainbow Fluorite is a crystal that houses rainbows. This crystal helps to restore balance and to bring order to chaos. It brings clarity of mind, cleansing, rejuvenation and heightens your focus. Rainbow Fluorite is a crystal that enhances intuition. It is a good stone for life decisions, creativity, and relationships. Use when you are having creative blocks or are feeling stuck, as it can tap into your energy and let your intuition take over.
Use rainbow fluorite when you are having relationship issues that leave you feeling anxious or unable to focus on anything else. Place a piece of rainbow fluorite on your altar to inspire the love that is within you. Rainbow fluorite is a crystal that fuses with and cleanses the heart chakra. If your heart chakra is feeling weighed down with past pain, rainbow fluorite will encourage you to release the hurt that is keeping new love from blossoming.